A serene garden with a block of cheese on a wooden table, bathed in sunlight

A Beginner's Guide to L-Tyrosine as a Natural Nootropic

The history of nutrition is rich with intriguing discoveries, many linked to everyday foods ranging from chocolate and beer to rice and liver. These revelations underscore the profound effect of diet on human health and disease, highlighting nutrition's crucial role in our well-being.

Among these engaging stories is the journey of a food that has been a central part of diets worldwide, celebrated in various forms across cultures. This food, often preferred even over sweet desserts and a staple in sandwiches: cheese.

In 1846, an experiment by German chemist Justus von Liebig led to an unexpected find during his work with Casein, a group of protein molecules in cheese. Liebig stumbled upon a strange molecule, unrecognized before, characterized by its unique atomic arrangement.

This molecule, upon further research, was named Tyrosine, from the Greek word "tyros" for cheese. This moment not only spotlighted Liebig's pivotal role in organic chemistry but also opened new avenues in understanding human biology and physiology through chemical science.

Tyrosine, now known as a non-essential amino acid, is vital for human health. It acts as a precursor to several neurotransmitters critical for both cognitive and physical functioning. Its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier underlines its significance in regulating cognitive processes and physical reactions, emphasizing its role beyond protein synthesis.

The growing acknowledgment of Tyrosine's benefits has spurred its inclusion in dietary supplements designed to improve cognitive function, mood, and general health.



  • What is Tyrosine?
  • Tyrosine as a Nootropic
  • Scientific Evidence on Tyrosine's Benefits
  • Health Benefits Beyond Cognition
  • How to Use Tyrosine
  • Safety and Side Effects


A Beginner's Guide to L-Tyrosine as a Natural Nootropic


A 3D model of a complex molecule with black and white atoms


What is Tyrosine?

Definition and Background

Tyrosine, recognized for its crucial role in human health, is a nonessential amino acid, which means it is synthesized by the human body and does not necessarily need to be obtained from the diet.

Distinct from essential amino acids, which must be obtained through food, tyrosine is synthesized internally, mainly in the liver, through the conversion of another amino acid known as phenylalanine. This intrinsic capability of the body to produce tyrosine underscores its versatile role in maintaining optimal health and functioning.

Under certain conditions, however, supplementation may become necessary.

It serves as a precursor for vital neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, which are integral to brain function and mood regulation.

These neurotransmitters play key roles in brain function and mood regulation, highlighting tyrosine's importance beyond mere protein synthesis.

Chemical Composition of Tyrosine

The chemical composition of tyrosine is straightforwardly given by its formula, C9H11NO3, which marks it as an organic compound and classifies it as an amino acid. This particular composition is crucial for its involvement in the production of neurotransmitters and proteins. Additionally, its structure allows it to cross the blood-brain barrier, directly affecting brain chemistry and functionality.

Tyrosine plays important roles beyond its basic structure, contributing to various functions within human physiology and across biological systems. Serving as a precursor to essential neurotransmitters that support a range of neurological and physiological functions, from regulating mood to managing stress.

In the world of plants, tyrosine shows its adaptability by acting as an electron donor during photosynthesis, aiding the energy production that keeps plants alive. This role highlights the broader biological significance of tyrosine, connecting it to cognitive functions in animals and energy processes in plants.

Different Types of Tyrosine

Tyrosine is available in various forms for supplementation, each with distinct characteristics and potential benefits.

  • L-tyrosine, the natural form found in proteins, is directly involved in numerous physiological processes, including the synthesis of vital neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. This form is most commonly used in dietary supplements due to its direct role in these critical biochemical pathways.
  • N-Acetyl L-tyrosine (NALT) is a modified version of L-tyrosine, featuring an acetyl group added to the amino acid to enhance its solubility and bioavailability. While NALT is thought to be more easily absorbed by the body, converting it back into L-tyrosine requires additional metabolic steps, which could potentially affect its efficiency in increasing tyrosine levels in the body.
  • Plain tyrosine refers to the amino acid without any modifications or prefixes, generally implying the L-tyrosine form.

The differences between these forms lie primarily in their absorption rates and how quickly or efficiently they can elevate tyrosine levels in the body and brain. While L-tyrosine is directly utilized by the body, NALT's enhanced solubility might offer advantages in certain conditions.

Historical Context and Traditional Uses

While tyrosine itself has not been traditionally used as a herbal remedy, its discovery and subsequent research have shed light on its significant role in nutrition and neuroscience.

The discovery of L-tyrosine dates back to 1846 by German chemist J. von Liebig in casein from cheese, and its isolation from silk waste was achieved by E. Abderhalden and Y. Teruuchi in 1906.

The understanding of tyrosine's impact on cognitive and physical health has evolved, particularly noting its ability to influence neurotransmitter levels and potentially mitigate the effects of stress and cognitive demands. This has led to its increased recognition and usage in modern dietary supplements, aiming to enhance cognitive function, mood, and overall well-being​​​​.



Tyrosine as a Nootropic

Understanding Nootropics

Nootropics are supplements or substances that enhance cognitive functions such as memory, creativity, or motivation in healthy individuals. These brain boosters can potentially increase the efficiency of neural pathways, leading to improved thought processes and mental capabilities.

Enhances Cognitive Flexibility

Tyrosine has been shown to promote cognitive flexibility, the ability to switch between tasks or thoughts efficiently. This cognitive-control function is crucial for adapting to new information and solving problems creatively. Studies have demonstrated that tyrosine supplementation can lead to reduced switching costs, indicative of enhanced cognitive flexibility. This effect suggests that tyrosine can facilitate the adaptation to changing demands by replenishing cognitive resources.

Supports Working Memory and Inhibitory Control

Tyrosine's impact extends to working memory and inhibitory control, particularly under stressful situations or cognitive demands. Working memory, the brain's ability to hold and manipulate information over short periods, and inhibitory control, the ability to suppress irrelevant or distracting stimuli, are both critical for focused and efficient task performance. Tyrosine supplementation has been associated with improvements in working memory tasks and the ability to maintain cognitive performance under physically or mentally demanding conditions​​.

Promotes Mental Alertness and Focus

Increasing tyrosine intake may also enhance mental alertness and focus, potentially improving reaction times and vigilance. This effect can be particularly beneficial in scenarios requiring sustained concentration and quick responses. By bolstering the synthesis of catecholamines such as dopamine and norepinephrine, tyrosine may counteract the cognitive performance decrements induced by stressful or demanding situations, thus supporting heightened attention and responsiveness​​.


An avocado on a wooden surface, showcasing its vibrant green skin


Scientific Evidence on Tyrosine's Benefits

Reverses Cognitive Decline Under Stress or Cognitive Demands by Replenishing Neurotransmitter Levels

Tyrosine has shown promise in reversing cognitive declines associated with stress or cognitive demands. Its efficacy stems from its ability to enhance dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain, counteracting decrements in neurotransmitter function and cognitive performance. This is particularly evident in environments that are either physically stressful or cognitively demanding, making tyrosine a potential cognitive enhancer in such situations​​.

Improves Cognitive Performance, Particularly in Tasks Requiring Cognitive Flexibility and Working Memory

Tyrosine supplementation has been linked to improvements in cognitive performance, especially in tasks that demand a high degree of cognitive flexibility and robust working memory. Studies have documented its ability to combat decrements in working memory and information processing that might be triggered by physically or mentally demanding conditions. Moreover, tyrosine may also enhance convergent thinking, suggesting its utility in improving a wide range of cognitive functions​​.

Positively Affects Mood and May Mitigate Effects of Stress and Anxiety

Interestingly, tyrosine's influence extends to mood regulation, where it has demonstrated the potential to mitigate the effects of stress and anxiety. In a unique study conducted over the harsh winter in Antarctica, tyrosine supplementation resulted in significant improvements in global mood scores, contrasting sharply with the declines observed in the placebo group. This finding suggests that tyrosine could play a role in mood stabilization, especially in challenging environments or periods of prolonged stress​​.



Health Benefits Beyond Cognition

While tyrosine is primarily recognized for its nootropic effects, its benefits extend far beyond cognitive enhancement, impacting various aspects of physical health and well-being.

Supports Adrenal Health by Providing the Building Blocks for Stress-related Neurotransmitters

Tyrosine serves as a crucial precursor for catecholamines—neurotransmitters that play a significant role in the body's response to stress. By supplying the raw materials needed for the synthesis of dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, tyrosine supports adrenal health and helps maintain adequate levels of these critical stress-related neurotransmitters. This mechanism suggests that tyrosine supplementation could be particularly beneficial in managing the physiological demands of stress, potentially stabilizing mood and cognitive function during stressful situations​​.

May Enhance Physical Performance, Aiding in Endurance and Strength During Exercise Regimes

Although the evidence is mixed, some studies suggest that tyrosine may enhance physical performance, especially in tasks requiring fine motor skills and cognitive effort, such as sports that demand psychomotor performance under challenging conditions. For instance, tyrosine has been shown to protect against cold-induced decrements in marksmanship accuracy, indicating its potential to aid athletes in maintaining performance levels under adverse conditions. This benefit could extend to various occupational contexts where both physical and cognitive demands are high, offering a non-stimulant method to sustain performance during extended periods of mental and physical exertion​​​​.

Contributes to the Synthesis of Melanin, Affecting Skin and Hair Pigment

Tyrosine's role in the synthesis of melanin—the pigment responsible for the color of skin and hair—highlights another important aspect of its biological activity. Melanin synthesis begins with the conversion of tyrosine to L-DOPA and subsequently to melanin, indicating that adequate levels of tyrosine are essential for this process. Therefore, tyrosine supplementation might influence pigmentation processes, potentially impacting skin and hair health. This aspect of tyrosine's biological function underscores its importance beyond neurotransmitter synthesis, contributing to physiological processes that affect physical appearance and protection against UV radiation.


How to Use Tyrosine

Here's how you can effectively use tyrosine:

Different Forms of Tyrosine Consumption

Tyrosine is available in several forms to cater to different preferences and requirements. These include:

  • Capsules and Tablets: Convenient for those on the go, ensuring you get your dose without any taste.
  • Powder: Can be mixed into liquids such as water, juice, or smoothies. This form is beneficial for those who may need higher doses or prefer to mix their supplements into their meals or beverages​​.

Recommended Dosages for Health Benefits

The dosage of tyrosine can vary depending on the intended use, ranging from enhancing cognitive function to supporting physical performance under stress:

  • General Dosage: Studies have used doses ranging from 2 to 20 grams for cognitive enhancement, with the effective dose often being related to body weight - between 25 to 150 mg/kg​​.
  • For Specific Needs: Dosages are adjusted based on the activity or stress level anticipated. For example, some studies provided tyrosine in solid form, such as in nutrient bars or mixed with apple sauce, to study its effects on cognitive and physical performance under stress​​.

Timing and Combining with Other Supplements

  • Best Time to Take: Tyrosine is best taken an hour before engaging in activities that require high mental or physical performance. This timing helps ensure that the tyrosine levels in your system are optimal when you need them the most.
  • On an Empty Stomach: For better absorption, it's recommended to take tyrosine on an empty stomach. This can help maximize its availability to your body and brain, enhancing its effectiveness.
  • Combining with Other Supplements: Tyrosine can be combined with other nootropics or vitamins to potentially create synergistic effects. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you plan to combine different supplements.


A fresh salmon cut on a plate with herbs and salt, ready for cooking


Safety and Side Effects

General Safety of Tyrosine

Tyrosine is considered safe when used within the recommended dosages. It is a naturally occurring amino acid found in many protein-rich foods and is also available as a dietary supplement. Research has shown that it can be beneficial in enhancing cognitive performance under stress without significant side effects when used appropriately​​.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

While generally safe, high doses of tyrosine may lead to gastrointestinal distress in some individuals. These side effects are typically mild and can include nausea or digestive discomfort. There's also the consideration of its potential effects on individuals with specific metabolic disorders, where its supplementation could potentially alter the balance of amino acids and neurotransmitter synthesis. Therefore, individuals with pre-existing conditions should consult a healthcare provider before starting tyrosine supplementation​​.

Interactions with Medications and Specific Health Conditions

Tyrosine supplementation could interact with medications, particularly Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs), due to its role in neurotransmitter synthesis. Individuals taking MAOIs or other medications affecting dopamine and norepinephrine levels should exercise caution and consult a healthcare professional before using tyrosine supplements. Additionally, those with thyroid disorders should also seek advice due to tyrosine's involvement in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

Importance of Moderation and Consulting with a Healthcare Professional

As with any supplement, moderation is key to avoiding adverse effects. The benefits of tyrosine, particularly in enhancing cognitive function under stress, are most pronounced within the recommended dosage range. It's crucial for individuals considering tyrosine supplementation, especially those with existing health conditions or those taking medication, to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure safety and efficacy. Healthcare providers can offer personalized advice based on an individual's health status and needs, ensuring that supplementation is both safe and beneficial​​.



Tyrosine emerges as a multifaceted amino acid with profound implications for cognitive enhancement, physical health, and emotional well-being. Its utility extends from improving cognitive flexibility and working memory to supporting adrenal health and physical endurance.

Moreover, its role in melanin synthesis highlights its broader biological significance. While tyrosine's safety profile is favorable, recognizing the importance of moderation and professional guidance is essential, especially for individuals with specific health conditions or those on medication.

Embracing tyrosine within a wellness regimen offers a promising avenue for individuals seeking to optimize their mental and physical performance in the face of stress and cognitive demands.

Are you considering joining the ranks of those who have experienced the cognitive benefits of nootropics? To learn more about how our Mood & Wellbeing Nootropic Supplement might fit into your lifestyle, visit us at nooroots.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is L-Tyrosine?

L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that is used to produce important brain chemicals, including dopamine, norepinephrine, and adrenaline, which are vital for cognitive function.

How does L-Tyrosine work as a nootropic?

L-Tyrosine enhances cognitive function by increasing the production of neurotransmitters, helping to improve focus, memory, and mental alertness, especially under stress.

Can L-Tyrosine improve memory?

Yes, L-Tyrosine can improve memory by supporting the production of neurotransmitters involved in memory and cognitive processes, particularly in stressful situations.

Is L-Tyrosine safe for daily use?

L-Tyrosine is generally safe for daily use when taken within recommended dosages. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if taking other medications.

What are the benefits of L-Tyrosine for the brain?

L-Tyrosine supports brain health by improving mental performance, enhancing focus and alertness, and helping to manage stress.

How much L-Tyrosine should I take for cognitive benefits?

Typical dosages range from 500 to 2000 mg per day. It’s best to start with a lower dose and gradually increase, as advised by a healthcare professional.

Are there any side effects of taking L-Tyrosine?

Some individuals may experience mild side effects such as nausea, headache, or fatigue. These are generally rare and often related to high doses.

Can L-Tyrosine help with anxiety and depression?

L-Tyrosine may help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression by supporting the production of mood-regulating neurotransmitters.

What is the best way to take L-Tyrosine for nootropic effects?

L-Tyrosine is best taken on an empty stomach or with a small amount of carbohydrates to enhance absorption and effectiveness.

How long does it take to see the effects of L-Tyrosine on cognitive function?

The effects of L-Tyrosine can typically be felt within 30 minutes to an hour after ingestion, especially in situations of acute stress.


Learn more about the vitamins, minerals and plant extracts we use to give your brain a daily boost



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