nooroots mission is to accelerate self-growth journeys

nooroots was founded by a team of scientists who wanted to demystify the common misconceptions of brain boosters and prove that people didn’t need to fear nootropics. That natural nootropic supplements can be ethically sourced, safe, effective and still significantly enhance the brain’s cognitive capabilities. Today, nooroots’ researches and develops only the best-in-class nootropic supplements to target a range of needs. nooroots believes that consistent use of high quality nootropics in smart doses can elevate people to new heights.

Creating the world’s most effective nootropic supplement

Transparency – of where our ingredients are sourced from and their environmental impact

Trust – effective doses, real people, real stories, real results.

Quality - providing the best in class ingredients and never comprising on quality

Innovation – using cutting edge research to develop novel nootropic formulas & products

Evidence – using the most up to date scientific and clinical findings to support our claims

Education – to provide proven brain care tips, tricks and tactics to maximise your nooroots experience

Our commitment

British Manufacturing Standards

The United Kingdom is ranked 3rd in the Global Food Security Index - we are proud that all our nooroots supplements are manufactured in England and comply with legislation from the Food Safety Authority and Department of Health.

Inspired by Nature, Backed by Science

In the history of discovery, it is typically mother nature who has provided the inspiration. While our ingredients are inspired by nature, we carefully select nootropics for quality of scientific evidence, safety and greatest impact on our health based on what our brains actually need.

Quality First

Quality is one of the cornerstones of our founding philosophy. Our experienced team knows exactly where to source high quality raw materials. We ensure quality checks at every stage of manufacture, from ingredient sourcing to capsule polishing to the final quality control check.

Ethically Sourced

It is critical that our product is 100% suitable for everyone. This means ensuring all ingredients are plant based, free from any artificial fillers, colours, allergens, GMOs, contaminants and animal by-products or tested on animals. We pay close attention to our CO2 footprint – that’s why our packaging is fully recyclable and with some advanced planning, we avoid rapid high polluting transport methods.

neuron nooroots nootropic supplement

Science & innovation

Using the most up to date scientific and clinical findings is essential during product research & development. Core ingredients are selected and evaluated on their overall health impact. In other words - assessing the positive changes in a patient group that are attributable to a specific plant extract, vitamin or mineral. Key assessment factors include: the number of participants studied, use of a placebo, randomization (asssigning treatments to participants at random), peer reviews and studies that withhold treatment information from patients or researchers to reduce bias.

nooroots nootropic supplement capsules

nooroots philosophy

At nooroots we don’t believe in such a thing as a ‘universal’ supplement. While other companies often taken a ‘one size fits all’ approach, we understand individuals take supplements for different needs and have created a range of products to best help with those needs. Our focus is on developing the best product and providing useful brain care information and support to help you perform at your best.

Company Information

Nooroots Nutrition Ltd – Registered in England - 14009059